Best Etsy Shops for Alternative Bouquets

Best Etsy Shops for Alternative Bouquets
I went through at least 50-60 Etsy shops to compile my list of the best alternative bouquets on Etsy. If you want something a little different or just don't love the idea of real flowers for your wedding bouquet, then this post is a MUST read! I ranked each shop on their variety, looks, cost, etc. and scored each shop. The winners had at least 14 points out of a possible 20 points. The runner ups had at least 12/20 and the Honorable Mentions had at least 11/20. I tried to make each category have multiple material options and price points. The cheapest of these shops seemed to be a tie between Dried Flowers Forever and Katie Made Origami with prices between $13-35. The most expensive one was by far The Ritzy Rose with prices between $100-800. Take a look, and let me know what you think in the comments!
Full disclosure, some of the links I have provided, I make a small commission on (at no cost to you!) when you purchase from them! However, I never advertise for products unless I love them and fully believe in them!
DarlasBlooms – Feathers, silk and fabric $$
TheRitzyRose – Brooches, Fabric, Silk $$$$$
TheBridalFlower – Brooches, Fabric, Silk $$$$ The Bridal Flower has partnered with us to offer you free shipping on your purchase when you use code BUDDY at checkout!
MlleArtsy – Brooches, Silk, Fabric, Feathers $$$
LacePearlAndPaper – Paper, Books $$$
DriedFlowersForever – Dried Flowers $
TatyanaAgulina – Brooches, Fabric, Silk $$$
Runner Ups
Love4EverRoses – Painted Palm Leaves $$
Love4EverRoses has partnered with us to offer you 10% off your purchase when you use code BUDDY at checkout (Exp. June 2018).
CarolinaRosaDesigns – Wood, Silk, Fabric $$$
SewManyPetals – Fabric, Yarn, Felt $$$
MySecretFace– Fabric $$$
SigalitBreuer – Ceramic $$$
KatieMadeOrigami – Paper, Origami $
Westerwisp – Dried Flowers $$$$
Honorable Mentions
MyDinosaurDreams – Wood, Fabric, Burlap $$$
CherubinoCrafts – Dried Flowers $
HBixbyArtworks – Paper, Books $$
TheFlowerCo – Brooches $$$