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Get Wedding Ready Skin Without Spending a Fortune

Get wedding ready skin without spending a fortune

We all want to be a glowing, beautiful bride on our wedding day. Unfortunately, most of us struggle with some kind of skin issues, whether it's dry skin, oily skin, sun spots and discoloration, wrinkles, acne or all of the above! However, you CAN turn your skin around in just a few short weeks and you don't have to spend a fortune to do it. You have enough stuff to budget for right now without having to spend hundreds of dollars on skincare products! I have compiled this list of some of my absolute favorite products that have completely transformed my skin. Some of the products we have talked about before, but some are totally new.

You may not realize this, but my skin kind of sucks. Sometimes it's dry, sometimes it's oily. I get acne, I have freckles and sun spots, I have acne scars and premature wrinkles. I used to fight with my skin all the time. Some days I would have to use so much concealer and foundation I felt like I had face paint on, and you could still see that my skin wasn't perfect. I have recently discovered some amazing products that have completely turned my skin around. I'm not going to tell you that my skin is perfect now--I still get pimples from time to time, I still get dry spots, and I still don't feel like I can get away with not wearing foundation. However, compared to where my skin was a year or two ago, I have ZERO complaints.

The miracle products that have helped me turn it around? Korean skincare. Not just one product, or even one line of products in particular, but Korean skincare in general. I was honestly very skeptical at the 'k beauty' fad that was going around...until I met my friend Bonnie who had the most amazing skin I had ever seen. When I asked her what her secret was, she told me "Korean skincare!" and I started using it. Let me tell you... I will NEVER go back.

Before Korean Skincare

This is me with full makeup on. Foundation, concealer, everything

(and decent hide-your-flaws-lighting).

After Korean Skincare

This is me with no makeup on, the morning after my wedding.

(in harsh morning sunlight)

So...let's talk about some of my FAVORITE products, what they do, what type of skin they are for, and where you can get them!

Mizon all in one snail repair cream

This product is for ALL skin types. It is a lightweight, moisturizing cream. This is the facial moisturizer that I use absolutely every day. I am completely in love with this stuff. It has made a big difference in the overall appearance of my skin. This doesn't help a ton with dryness if you have super dry skin; however, even if you do, I still highly recommend you use this, but I'd recommend the other Mizon product on my list in combination with this one.

This product is for ALL skin types. It is a very odd, very amazing face wash. How is it odd? The texture is so strange! It's almost like a solid, sorbet type of texture, but once you put it on your skin, it melts! It's quite fun to use, and it smells nice too. This is one face wash I will NEVER be without! This is the only face wash I have ever found that doesn't make my skin feel super tight and dry afterward! It doesn't suds up like most traditional face washes--it actually has somewhat of an oily texture. But don't let the word "oily" freak you out here. I promise, it will not make your skin oily, even if your skin is oily to begin with. Once you rinse it off, I promise you will be impressed. Your skin will feel so soft and smooth, hydrated but not oily. It's amazing.

This product is for ALL skin types, but extra super amazing for DRY skin. This is such an awesome exfoliator. If you have dry skin at all, you have to try this. I use this stuff all the time. If I have an important event, I always use this stuff the night before to make my skin stop peeling where it's dry, make my makeup go on smoother the next day, make my skin feel soft and smooth, and to boost my complexion. Yes, it does all of that. Give it a try, no matter what your skin type. I promise you won't be disappointed!

This is for DRY skin types. This is a fairly heavy gel cream. If you have dry, flaky skin this will be your MIRACLE product. I like to put this on my dry patches at night before I go to bed. Usually, by the next day the dry patches are gone--if not, they will be gone by the next day, as long as you use it again. It's pretty heavy so I would not recommend wearing this during the day (makeup would definitely come right off!). I always had a hard time finding a product that would take care of my dryness but would not be so heavy that it would cause me to break out. I could never use night creams or anything. This is the first product I've ever found that gets rid of my dryness but doesn't cause acne to start flaring up. I am not sure how they do it, but this product is seriously amazing.

These little eye patches are so fun to use! Besides the fact that you look like a panda while you are wearing them (hence the name) they are also incredibly awesome for the skin around your eyes! I use these whenever I know I'll be getting a little less sleep than usual (your wedding night!) or when I have been crying. They de-puff, cool and overall smooth out your eyes. Less dark circles, less puffy bags--yes please! Not to mention this website has them for only $1.50 each!

Laneige Water Bank

This one is the end of our list because this one is a bit complicated. This is a 4-step system that they sell as a travel size kit. You can, of course, buy full sizes of all of these; however, this kit is awesome if you want to try it before you buy the large version. This one has a little bit mixed reviews on Amazon, but I read them and most of what the issues were is that there are no instructions on how to use this. People can't figure out what order to use these 4 products in. So, let me solve that one first... When it comes to Korean skincare, there is a pseudo rule to follow: lightest weight first, heaviest last. So in this case you would most likely want to use them in this order: 1) Skin refiner (this is like a toner) 2) Essence_EX 3) Gel Cream 4) Emulsion (this is like a standard lotion).

Okay, now we can talk about what it does... This is for ALL skin types. I started using this a little over a month ago every night before bed. These products are incredible. I will admit, before I started using these every night, I had been slacking on my skincare for a little while. As soon as I started using this, BOOM. Huge difference. Mainly in the overall appearance and texture of my skin. The few zits that I got when I was slacking went away within a couple of days and my skin felt so healthy again! Absolutely give these a try! I think I will be buying the full sizes of some, if not all, of these very soon!

Oh, and this might give you an idea of what size these travel sizes actually are:

Laneige Water Bank travel size samples next to a quarter

Products next to a quarter.



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