Wedding Lingo Decoded - Acronyms

If you've been doing any research for weddings online you may be coming across phrases or acronyms that you aren't familiar with. You may find yourself asking "What is an MOB or an FMIL?!" You are not alone. It took me a while to realize what some of these "codes" meant too. So today I'm going to give you a rundown of some of the popular ones I see all the time.
There are too many to be able to mention them all in one article, so this will probably end up being a series of articles. For now, we are going to stick to common acronyms you may come across in the wedding planning process.
First off, for those of you who don't know, an acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words. A few examples you probably know are LOL or laugh out loud, BRB or be right back, etc.
In the world of weddings there are actually a TON of acronyms, probably because it's a pain in the butt to write out "future mother-in-law" 10 times in one day, and those who have ever planned a wedding since the invention of the internet know how many times one might actually type that into a search engine in a day or a week--it's a lot more than you might think!
Future Mother-in-Law.
Future Father-in-Law.
Mother of the Bride.
Father of the Bride.
Mother of the Groom
Father of the Groom

Future Husband
Future Wife
Significant Other

Maid of Honor
Not bowel movement! Best Man or Bridesmaid

Makeup Artist
Hair and Makeup Artist
This is the worst one, so I saved it for last. We are not talking about sexually transmitted diseases here. We are talking about Save the Dates.

Do you know of any wedding acronyms you've heard that I missed?
Tell me in the comments!
#fmil #ffil #mob #fob #mog #fog #fh #moh #fw #bm #fi #mua #hmua #so #stds #whatdoesfmilstandfor #whatdoesffilstandfor #whatdoesmobstandfor #whatdoesfobstandfor #whatdoesmogstandfor #whatdoesfogstandfor #whatdoesfhstandfor #whatdoesmohstandffor #whatdoesfwstandfor #whatdoesmohstandfor #whatdoesbmstandfor #whatdoesfistandfor #whatdoesmuastandfor #whatdoeshmuastandfor #whatdoessostandfor #whatdoesstdstandfor #whatdoesstdsstandfor #weddingacronyms