Beautiful Bridal Shower Dresses Under $50

I get a lot of people asking what they should wear for their bridal shower. Generally, it is traditional to wear white and lace is really big as well, but you definitely don't have to. This is one of those traditions that has pretty much gone out the window. For my shower, I wore a grey lace tunic and faux leather, black leggings because that was way more my style than a short, white dress. I figured everyone knew it was my shower, I don't need to wear white for everyone to know that I am the bride.

Today, I have compiled a sampling of dresses that would be perfect for your shower and won't cost a fortune! Instead of just showing you white dresses, I thought it would be good to step a bit outside the box and instead show great dresses of all colors to give you ideas that might reflect your own personal style and the formality of the shower. In each category I am including at least one white dress for those traditional brides, but also showcasing some other beautiful options for those of you that are less traditional.
As per usual, I won't show you anything with less than a 4-star rating. All of the dresses are under $50 so this time I am not going to include diamond ratings to show price levels.
Casual Rustic
Casual Rocker
Casual Classic
Formal Rustic
Formal Rocker
Formal Classic
Great for Anyone's Style