How to Entertain Kids at Your Wedding

So, you've decided to invite kids to your wedding? Kid-free weddings seem to be all the rage right now, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way. Maybe you have too many kids in your family, maybe you don't feel like explaining to your family members why they can't bring their kids, or maybe you genuinely just WANT kids at your wedding. Whatever your reason -- you need to keep them entertained during your wedding! Here are a few of my favorite ideas for keeping everyone happy (and sane!) during your wedding.
1) Have a "kids only" table.
Bonus points - instead of a fancy tablecloth, lay down butcher paper and set a few buckets of crayons on it and let them draw to their hearts' content!

2) Try kid-friendly, wedding-themed placemats
or coloring books and individual packets of crayons if you don't want to do a "Kids Only" table. Download the placemat for $1 here!
3) Try a different centerpiece for their table,
whether it's crayons, glow sticks, Play-Doh or Legos for them to play with!

4) Hire a babysitter and keep them in a separate part of the reception venue.
Even if you do this, it's still a good idea to provide things like coloring books, Legos, or even show a movie!

5) Hang a piñata and let the kids take a swing!
Don't be surprised if some of the adults want to join in, too!

6) Try some yard games
like corn-hole toss, giant Jenga, pool noodle javelin-throw, or ring toss!
7) Try an Interactive game!
Give each kid (who is old enough) a disposable camera and an "I Spy" game! Download the PDF printable for $1 here!

8) A Photobooth is not just fun for adults!
Photobooths can keep kids entertained for HOURS. Learn how to do a DIY Photobooth here.
9) Have kid-friendly snacks and drinks available!
Think bowls of chips and Kool-aid (avoid red Kool-aid so their parents don't come after you when they stain their dress clothes). Let them do the toasts with a glass of milk that has a cookie with it!

10) Hire some entertainment that adults and kids will both love!
A couple ideas for this would be a magician or a face painter!

What are some ways of keeping kids entertained that you think would be perfect for a wedding?!
Let us know in the comments!